What is this anyway?


Help on Boston Avenue

This is Leroy James and I'm over at a boarding house at 39 Boston Ave. We have boarded up the ground level and have been able to settle in while the crisis lasted. There are eleven of us here in total and we are almost out of food. It has been great that the power came back on, but things are still too dangerous outside for us to go. We have several elderly with us. We need food or even some safe way to get out of here. One of the ladies, Mable, has run out of her medications and we are concerned about her heart. Is there any one out there that might be able to help us? We'd be much obliged.



  1. To give you all an update. One of the gals here, Greta, remembered that there was a guy across the way who also had angina. So a couple of the guys here went over and got his remaining nitro pills for Mable. She doesn't have that much, and she has not been feeling well. She is going to save them for the trip out of here, it would be great if we could have a little assistance. Jack has a jeep, but it is not closed in and my grandson has a car, but we will not all fit in it. There are not a tonne of those things around but they are persistent, Mable beat one off recently with her axe. She is an ornery woman, my my.


  2. Thanks to the guys with the dump truck we made it to the City Hall. Would appreciate prayers for Mable, she made it here but she is not looking so well. Some of the people here want to check her for bites, but we got here without a hitch. Take care of my grandson Bill, and God protect you guys.



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