What is this anyway?


Dangerous Vigilantism

Over the last couple of days someone has been driving an armored vehicle around recklessly shooting at the zombies. A few stray bullets hit our building. Thankfully no one was hurt but it is only a matter of time. One of our bike riders managed to snap a photo of the vehicle parked outside of a hardware store. If you are responsible for this please refrain from shooting at the buildings. We do not need more fatalities.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Craig Swamprider, Ward 5 Councilor, Acting Mayor.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM EST

    Hey Mad Max guys!! Watch where you shoot please.
    If you are looking for repairs, friends or a place to rest, come to Lewiston HS by the auto body shop entrance. Ask for Ted Richards.

  2. Anonymous4:46 PM EST

    Mr. Richards, I had you for chemistry a couple years back. You might remember me as Peter. I go by Patch these days. What is a Mad Max? I'm assuming you mean us as that is our car. We saw some of your friends last night. Do you know where we can find some party favours, if you know what I mean. Your gal Sally seemed to think you could score. Seeing as though there is no law about, I guess those things aren't illegal anymore. We are leaving this house tonight, finding something sweeter. School sounds too uncomfortable for us. Stay away from that guy in Auborn, he's not right in the head. If we find another place with a computer I'll let you now where you can find us if you score.



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