What is this anyway?


Be Safe This New Year

Getting onto this forum has not been easy the last little while. I hope people have not given up. We managed to restock the City Hall from a few restaurants, should last us a few weeks. We are going to send a group to check out the Salvation Army next, probably in a few days. Everything here on Pine Street is well boarded up and at noon we lure away as many of the zombies as we can using a few bike couriers who have sought refuge here. One was bitten but seems to have made it through the fever. This is good news as we had quarantined him after our nurse cleaned up his wound. It was not a very big bite, we've seen too many of those and it has not ended well.

A few precautions that have served us well is to have everyone sleep in a common room with watches in shifts, we found two people on watch was sufficient to keep tabs on the street and the sleepers. If anyone is bit isolate them until they either turn or their fever breaks. If someone dies the merciful thing is to make sure they stay down - so far head trauma seems to be the only thing that works. Finally, keep a regular schedule and keep people busy. Idle hands has led to a few unfortunate incidences here.

We only have a nurse here so if you are a doctor and can make it here we would be most appreciative.

Please be safe. Let us know if you are still getting these messages.

For those with relatives in Bangor we have contacted survivors in the city but they strongly caution against anyone coming there at the moment.  

Be safe,
Craig Swamprider, Ward 5 Concilor, Acting Mayor.


  1. Acting Mayor Swamprider you have my admiration. It has been encouraging reading your recent posts. As you may well know my boys have secured a safe zone across the river. New refugees have been coming in much slower now than when we began. We would welcome any uninjured survivors from your encampment should you need our help. We have a welcoming area in the Rollodrome just off the Ceder Street bridge. Our plan is to destroy the South Main Street bridge as it is proving more difficult to defend. You might not be aware of the zombies that have been making it out of the river, they are bloated from all the water which just makes then that much harder to kill. One of our guys has a plan to fix a pair of ropes across the South Main Street bridge, these monsters do not seem to be dexterous enough to climb across en mass. The only saving grace about the waterlogged fuckers is that they move much slower than the rest of the walking dead.

    All the best and keep safe,
    Governor Leonard of the Auborn Protectorate

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM EST


    While I appreciate your offer I have some reservations. See some of our Somali survivors have informed me that they were turned away from the so-called Protectorate. As a duly elected official it is my duty to remind you that when order is restored I intend to make sure that Lewiston and Auborn are returned to the people who legitimately hold claims here. We appreciate your effort in protecting those citizens, but caution you to hold claim to that land and those buildings lightly.

    Craig Swamprider, Ward 5 Councilor, Acting Mayor


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