What is this anyway?


Update from the City Hall

Unfortunately we had an incident here last night. It looks like a woman here whom we thought was having heart problems was actually concealing a bite wound. She passed while attended by her friend, but Leroy James of Boston Avenue. Unfortunately Leroy sustained a bite wound before being able to send his friend to her final resting place. Leroy is understandably shaken up by the whole incident and has been asking for his grandson Bill who left with his rescuers when Leroy arrived. We have him under quarantine until his fever breaks.

I am hesitant to announce this Bill because since you left things have become a lot more complicated in the downtown. This picture shows what seems to be a new behavior for the walking dead. These roving bands seem faster and more aggressive (if that is possible) than the swarms that so far have been easily mislead. We think there are three such groups, each numbering a little more than 80 zombies, in our area. One of the scariest aspects is that they have been seen attempting to climb. For anyone seeking refuge at City Hall I would urge you to establish some communications with us so that we can help make sure you get in. We have limited supplies and with these new roaming packs we are assessing our options. It might be that we will try to relocate. Anyone who is out there in the Lewiston area and has any ideas on where we can dig in, we are open to suggestions.

Be safe people. Please if you are bit there is hope - we have seen at least one survivor. But hidden wounds put everyone in danger.

Craig Swamprider, acting Mayor.


Help on Boston Avenue

This is Leroy James and I'm over at a boarding house at 39 Boston Ave. We have boarded up the ground level and have been able to settle in while the crisis lasted. There are eleven of us here in total and we are almost out of food. It has been great that the power came back on, but things are still too dangerous outside for us to go. We have several elderly with us. We need food or even some safe way to get out of here. One of the ladies, Mable, has run out of her medications and we are concerned about her heart. Is there any one out there that might be able to help us? We'd be much obliged.



Dangerous Vigilantism

Over the last couple of days someone has been driving an armored vehicle around recklessly shooting at the zombies. A few stray bullets hit our building. Thankfully no one was hurt but it is only a matter of time. One of our bike riders managed to snap a photo of the vehicle parked outside of a hardware store. If you are responsible for this please refrain from shooting at the buildings. We do not need more fatalities.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Craig Swamprider, Ward 5 Councilor, Acting Mayor.


We Have Power!

Not sure who to thank for this wonderful gift, but last night around 9PM the power was restored. While it lasts we are going to complete a chain of WIFI relays from close to St. Mary's. Hopefully this will allow other survivors to reconnect with us. We will continue to watch for survivors approaching the city hall. The back entrance is often much clearer.

Our plan to raid the Salvation Army is going forward, hopefully we can determine our next course of action from there.

A couple of our watch people have been noting sporadic weapon discharges from the direction of the high school. If you are in the high school and able to get this message please let us know. We need to plan a long term strategy. We might be in a fairly defensible position here but we are having to go further and further afield to get the food we need. One building with two exit points is proving to be harder to manage than we had hoped.

Whoever is responsible for the restoration of power, we are grateful.

be safe,
Craig Swamprider, Ward 5 Councilor, Acting Mayor


Be Safe This New Year

Getting onto this forum has not been easy the last little while. I hope people have not given up. We managed to restock the City Hall from a few restaurants, should last us a few weeks. We are going to send a group to check out the Salvation Army next, probably in a few days. Everything here on Pine Street is well boarded up and at noon we lure away as many of the zombies as we can using a few bike couriers who have sought refuge here. One was bitten but seems to have made it through the fever. This is good news as we had quarantined him after our nurse cleaned up his wound. It was not a very big bite, we've seen too many of those and it has not ended well.

A few precautions that have served us well is to have everyone sleep in a common room with watches in shifts, we found two people on watch was sufficient to keep tabs on the street and the sleepers. If anyone is bit isolate them until they either turn or their fever breaks. If someone dies the merciful thing is to make sure they stay down - so far head trauma seems to be the only thing that works. Finally, keep a regular schedule and keep people busy. Idle hands has led to a few unfortunate incidences here.

We only have a nurse here so if you are a doctor and can make it here we would be most appreciative.

Please be safe. Let us know if you are still getting these messages.

For those with relatives in Bangor we have contacted survivors in the city but they strongly caution against anyone coming there at the moment.  

Be safe,
Craig Swamprider, Ward 5 Concilor, Acting Mayor.