Unfortunately we had an incident here last night. It looks like a woman here whom we thought was having heart problems was actually concealing a bite wound. She passed while attended by her friend, but Leroy James of Boston Avenue. Unfortunately Leroy sustained a bite wound before being able to send his friend to her final resting place. Leroy is understandably shaken up by the whole incident and has been asking for his grandson Bill who left with his rescuers when Leroy arrived. We have him under quarantine until his fever breaks.
I am hesitant to announce this Bill because since you left things have become a lot more complicated in the downtown. This picture shows what seems to be a new behavior for the walking dead. These roving bands seem faster and more aggressive (if that is possible) than the swarms that so far have been easily mislead. We think there are three such groups, each numbering a little more than 80 zombies, in our area. One of the scariest aspects is that they have been seen attempting to climb. For anyone seeking refuge at City Hall I would urge you to establish some communications with us so that we can help make sure you get in. We have limited supplies and with these new roaming packs we are assessing our options. It might be that we will try to relocate. Anyone who is out there in the Lewiston area and has any ideas on where we can dig in, we are open to suggestions.
Be safe people. Please if you are bit there is hope - we have seen at least one survivor. But hidden wounds put everyone in danger.
Craig Swamprider, acting Mayor.